Tuesday, September 10, 2013

According To One's Preferences.

I think.

I can boldly say I am a mess right now. Well, when am I ever not.

But for the past week, it was as if something has possessed me inside and has been pushing all the wrong buttons in my body.

I mean, I have acknowledge the fact that I'm an over thinker a long time ago. But nowadays, I may have given the word "over think" a brand new definition. You have no idea how even the slightest things could make me go through an emotional breakdown due to over thinking.

There is one thing that's been bothering me quite a lot lately though and I don't know if it's the result of over thinking or if it's just that feeling I always get once in a while.. I've always trained myself to not bother with these kinds of things cos it's not worth to be bothered with anyway.

But I know I'm human. There are just times where my shield of force weakens and there is nothing else I could do except wait for it to strengthen itself again.

For one, I think my English has gotten worse or maybe I was never really good at it anyway. Just enough for me to speak and communicate efficiently. And maybe get a course in it.

I've always wanted to be a TV Presenter, or a newscaster. Anything that involves in having me in front of the camera and talk till I have nothing to say anymore. But how can I do that when I don't even have the power of amazing vocabs in my hand? The fluency of talking? And with the level of English I am at right now, no one in their right mind would want to hire me.

But hey, I'm nineteen, the world of possibilities is still wide open for me. And to so many others.