Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lost word count.

I get loss for words as easily as it is to hoard them when things get too much. And I guess that is partly the reason I stopped blogging for a couple of months.  Things get too much and I've left so many things unsaid that I wouldn't know where to even begin if I were to write a new entry. 

They say if you fail once it does not mean you'll fail forever. 

I failed to keep my resolution last year and I keep wondering if I should try again this year. Would the end result in similar patterns or would I surprise myself in actually achieving my goal? You never try know till you try is often said too. 

But personally in my part, I guess I got way ahead of myself and just gave up when I reached the one week mark of not blogging. I wouldn't say I've given up on my resolution but I intent on making blogging a regular habit first before I jump into my resolution again. 

With that being said, I can't say I don't regret my actions. My procrastination to be exact, that leads to the halt in the first place. 

Because in all honesty, there IS much to be said. To be written down. Because I'd like to remember the pain I've gone through. The betrayals I've dealt with. And the disappointments that I myself made. 

I hate this. I hate it that I've not written anything I wanted down and when I do write a new entry, it just generalizes things. It doesn't even explain any of the things I wanted to write. Instead it becomes a repeated cycle of me writing about how I'm disappointed with myself and I'm not able to write because there's just too much going on my life, ending it with a laughable promise that I will start to write as often as I can again. 

Always, Always the same excuse. 

And yet I detest those who do the same. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

how are


For real though, how are you peeps out there. Though ever since I change my blog address I haven't gotten many readers. Ahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahha like I used to have lots ahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhaha

I'm 22 but who says I can't dream anymore keujo?

Indeed. Months of abandoning my blog has made me sound like my sixteen year old self again. Then again, what if I'm actually still sixteen at heart. Age is just numbers after all.

Yet the thought of me still being sixteen at heart terrifies me. Because it means I haven't grown. That I have not learned my lessons. That I am still stuck under the illusion that things will be alright for years to come.

That I am young.

And though being or feeling young has its perks, I don't want to live in blissful ignorance my whole life. It just doesn't feel right and I don't want that for myself anyway. not anymore.

But as days passed I find myself hanging on to a thread that leads to nowhere but.

It stresses me out that I keep thinking on how to push myself forward. How to better myself.

At the very least, have a direction in life again.