Friday, March 30, 2018

Two sides of a story

Every story has two sides. Every. Even if dead men tell no tales. But most of the time only one side of the story is heard. Only one side of the story is able to reach people's ears. And the other side lay buried because what's the point of telling what people do not want to hear? 

Every story has two sides. But often, even when both sides of the story are told, the jury will always favor the story she liked better. The person she liked better. The person she hates less. Regardless of whether that side is wrong or right. And most people would tell you that's just how the world works. Life is unfair and it will never be fair so don't count your blessings on it. 

Stories are one thing. Battles are another. Regardless of who is in the wrong in the story, each player is still fighting its own battles, and when we take that into account it changes the side we find ourselves rooting for in the story, regardless of whether they are wrong or right. But wrong and right have always been subjective haven't they. They have always been vague and uncertain. A silver blur. Lining becomes a lost cause. Regardless we have to hear both sides. We have to see both battles. We have to decide who deserves to be saved and who is destined to lick the fires of devastation. We decide. But on what grounds? Was it just? Was it really for the better? Or was it for past mistakes self-justification?

There are two sides to a story. And every side thinks their truth is the real truth. What they did was justified and the best thing to do at that moment. And that results in the chaos we now call our lives. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Desperate or lack of love?

I think, for as long as I can remember, I have struggled with the need of some kind of validation from the opposite sex. Ironic considering how I always proclaim myself as independent. Feminist.  At first I thought it was just because of my natural instinct as a female species to have desire towards boys. But to have it when I was 9? 10 years old? It just doesn't seem natural or normal to me. And the fact that this goes on through my high school and uni life, it just never seemed like a normal thing. Not when you're 13 and all you can think about is loving and devoting your entirety to that 17 year old you have your eye on. 

Why was I so desperate? Why was I looking for a partner so bad? Could it be because my feelings were never reciprocated? Well that smells like desperate doesn't it?  Or was it because everyone around me were in love and I wasn't? Wow that stinks of desperate.
Then could it be the jealousy of watching them living all these romantic ideals I've always dreamt of  (fuck chick flicks and korean dramas man) or was it because I envy the fact that someone else was able to accept them for all their imperfections? 

Growing up I always had this one thought that was constantly bugging my mind. If no one could (even) love my physical appearance, how the hell will they love what is within me? How is that even possible? And even if they were able to love my physical appearance, that will be just the beginning of things they need to learn to love about me right? 

Having a lot of skinny best friends didn't help. ( Ok like I know taking only physical appearance into account is kinda shitty but when you're a teenager and you like someone, it all starts with your physical attributions) 

I've never been one to love myself. To accept myself.  Believe me I have tried. Countless times in fact. But how can I when I don't even like who or what I've become? I know a lot of people say that you have to love yourself before anybody can love you. But no one has ever told you how to accept yourself. No one has ever told you how you're supposed to love yourself. They always tell you to just do it because they are able to. SO PESSIMISTIC BUT JUST HEAR ME RANT OKAY I'M IN ONE OF THOSE MOODS. 

But how are you suppose to JUST love yourself when you grow up with people who were never around to teach you what self love is? How are you supposed to love yourself when you have never been properly taught what forms love can be in?

My parents raised us to be independent ever since we were kids. But sometimes I think they wanted us to be too independent. Learn everything by ourselves. Even love. And while my sisters, as pretty as they are, were able to receive such love when they were in school, I, on the other hand had to fight for it. I didn't know how and I didn't know what I was fighting for anyway but I knew I wanted that same affection I always see people giving my sisters.  What's even more amazing though, I was resented for it. It took me years to realize what I did wrong but by then it was already too late.

The only thing I remember of my parents when I was young was how they always only ask how my grades were doing at school. It was the only thing that ever mattered to them. I guess that's another reason why I never really cared to share anything with them.

If it weren't for my fear of god, I would have killed myself a long time ago. If it weren't for the fact that my existence still matters to God, I would have stopped living many years ago.

So tell me, looking for love all these years, is it a matter of desperation that comes out of wanting to have what everybody always have. Or is it due to the lack of love that I haven't been able to learn and receive over the past years?

Either way, time is running out. And I'm beginning to consider death by accident isn't such a bad thing after all. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

90 KG

I weigh 90 kg. Nine. TY. NINE ZERO.

The heaviest weight I have ever been and it feels terrible. You start to wonder when did it even happen. When did eating becomes a burden. 

I'm starting my diet again. I don't have this obsession with being super skinny anymore and I don't really mind being thicc but 90 kg is just.. 

My clothes don't fit anymore. I find it much harder to do physical things. I start binging on so many sugary treats. It all makes sense and yet it doesn't. I haven't been eating more. I haven't changed my eating habits. Not since I stopped dieting a few years ago. But why do I keep on putting more and more weight?

Dieting and exercising is probably one of the hardest things I try to commit myself to. Which is why I quit halfway through my diet project a few years ago. How I wish I hadn't but I guess even then I wasn't strong enough to go through anything till the end. But it wasn't on purpose. I didn't quit on purpose nor did I want to. It just happened.

I guess it's time for me to realize I'm not 16 anymore. I can't just eat anything and everything and expect myself to stay skinny like all my other friends. It just doesn't work for me that way. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tell me where to go.

"I'm 23. I just graduated. And I've been unemployed for nearly four months with no idea or clue whatsoever as to what job I need to pursue to give me the necessary experience for future needs. I read a lot of articles about 23 being a lost age for most people and I didn't realize how true those articles could be until I face that age. Right now. Right at this moment. 

The age feels like an intermission between parts in movies. The exasperated sigh when we see the word intermission comes on screen cause now we have to wait for a whole 5 seconds before the movie continues but when it passes, we realize how short , insignificant those 5 seconds were. But it has to be there. It has to exist and we have to go through it to get to the next part in the movie. And right now that's what 23 feels to me. A short, insignificant intermission with the most excruciating pain. 

I tried to think positively albeit it never works. But I lost out of options and I had no choice but to utilize every option there is. I know that this is all going to pass. I know that I'll be where I want to be sooner or later. But I also can't help to thinking about what if I don't? What if I get stuck at the intermission for the rest of my life and my only way out of it was to buy a new CD but life isn't like a CD. You can't buy a new life. You can't rewind what has been done. And you can't rewrite as easily either. 

It's such a terrifying blank stage. A fall that you see no land to fall on. A dive you see no depths could end. A flight with no destination in sight. And there is a 50/50 chance that you will either plummet to your death or find something that will just leave you with heavy injuries everywhere. 

All these years I thought I was quite independent and I was good with making my own life decisions but now I realize everything was set out for me and all I needed to do was take the spoon and put it in my mouth. There was also something prepared for me after the end t "

I wrote the above in September last year but I don't even remember writing it. I don't remember when I did it or where I was when I was writing it down. But I do remember the feeling. So very vividly. It was a feeling I never want to experience again if I can help it. I took my time reflecting myself and on my actions and I realize how much of a failure I was, and how much of a success I have been.

We all know that life has its ups and downs but no one ever really tells you the extremity of the ups and the severity of the downs. As I grow older, I start to realize the most terrifying thing isn't the challenges life presents every single day, instead it's the fact that I know how rough things will always be only this time, without the much needed mercy on an inexperienced adult. Life knows no difference. You learn life by living your life and by the time you think you've figured it all out, it bites you up the ass with a readied smirk on its face. Regardless of how ready you think you are, regardless of how prepared you think you are, you never are and you never will. And we're supposed to be okay with it. We don't really have the option not to do we? "That's life"

It's been a few months, I have a better job, I might own a car soon, and I am definitely at a better state than I was last september.

It's been a few months, I'm still very much confused about where I should go, what I should do and whether any of my choices were the right ones to make.

24. Most people at work say I'm still so young, and I for one agree and disagree. Too old to make stupid risks, but too young to not take those risks.

So tell me where to go.