Friday, December 28, 2012

Some Poeple Just Don't Have It

And. Yeah.

Some people just don't have it I guess. And you have to work really hard to get what you want.

Words can't really explain how excruciatingly painful it is to watch someone with a natural talent for writing is only using it for leisure time purpose and they're out there doing greater things with what other talents they have within themselves.

It's even more painful to see the talent that you wish you have so much is pass down to your younger sister and not you. While you, try as hard as you can to excel in drawing, it never paid off. 

It is worse when a close friend of yours is better at writing than you are and she doesn't even need to try. While you're having a hard time just to remember all those vocabs you just read in a book. Let alone use them in your essays.

And then it gets even more depressing when your hard work only brings you so far. 

THEN, just when you're about to get back on your wobbly feet, you hear words like "there's always going to be someone better than you" 

And you know these words are for those who think that they'll always be the best. But what about you?! You're not even the best and you're just beginning to rise up to the challenge again! And then those words comes out and it just crushes you all over.


Yes. You believe in hard work. And giving up is not an option. 

A talent is a talent.

A gift is a gift.

But hard work.

It pays off hell of a lot more.

So damn you people with gifts. 

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