Monday, October 14, 2013

Things Are Looking Up I Guess.

So it's been a month over since I started my degree here at USM and Alhamdullilah things are finally getting better. I feel the love for this place coming little by little each day and I am hoping to the heavens that the love will continue on growing and not just stop halfway. Please. 

Degree life is hectic. That's all I can say. There's just so many things that needs to be done in a certain amount of time and though it seems like you have all the time in the world with you, before you know it, you're walking on a thread trying to catch up with everyone else. Definitely a 360 degrees change from foundation. Not that I didn't expect it. Just probably. 


I wasn't prepared for it. 

But the seniors said that your busiest year would be your first and second year so just bear with it for a while. And I wish nothing but for it to be the truth. I honestly don't know how long I'm going to keep up with everything for the next two years. Endurance has never been one of my stronger abilities.

And I don't think I'd survive another day here if MTAK isn't around. They literally make everything at least bearable.

I am constantly stressed out or panic for the time being. There's just so many things that needs my attention that I ended up losing focus in everything I do. And when I do decide to focus, I don't know where to even start. Oh and don't even start on assignments and tutorials, i mean they literally take up ninety percent of my time and St.John meetings every saturday mornings is just making everything worse. No one wants their Saturdays disturbed and certainly no one wants to wake up early on a saturday. But I have to wake up at 6 every saturday morning just to be in time for St. John. I mean, no sleep in after Subuh prayer on Saturdays is just something I'm not used to yet. I guess I will in a few weeks time. I have to I guess.

*Deep Breaths*

But but but but but. Despite everything, I still love my Uni life right now. I mean now it really feels like I'm in another phase of my life. Another era. There are still some things that I need some adjusting to but hey, when have I ever not been able to adjust myself to anything right?

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