Saturday, July 12, 2014

After a 7 months hiatus.


It's been a long hiatus hasn't it. I don't wanna say the usual trust-me-i've-been-meaning-to-update-my-blog-for-so-long-but-got-held-up-by-life-and-stuffs thing cos I always do whenever I go on without blogging for more than a month or two. Because this time, I  really don't have an excuse. I didn't even bother to come up with one to justify-at least myself if not for anybody else- why I've been on such a long hiatus.

I had plenty of time to write and plenty of things to tell too. Thing is, there are so many things that I need to tell that I ended up not knowing where to begin. And then I started to wonder whether anyone out there could have enough interest in me to read about my daily rants. I mean does this blog even have readers? And you know, when you think too much it kinda gives you a whole new perspective on what you should and shouldn't do ergo procrastination. I decided a few days ago I can't hold it off any longer and that I need to wipe these dusty shelves of drafts. That I need to remind myself the original motive behind this blog. and soooo here I am.

The last time I updated my blog was a few days before my birthday so this officially makes it the longest hiatus I ever had. 7 months. Whoa. Never thought I could stop writing that long. I've always been quite obsessed with pouring my feelings out on my blog considering no one ever actually reads it. I think.

Ok so now the hardest part. Deciding where to begin. Thought of just jumping in but I don't even know how to do that. It kinda feels like you're going to start cleaning your room which has now taken the splitting image of an aftermath of a nuclear bomb explosion, but you don't know where to begin. Do you start with the pile of clothes on your bed, or do you start with the cluster of shoes right beside your wardrobe. Or maybe take care of the jumble of books and papers and files on your desk? And ughh, don't even start on the makeup table it is horrendous.  =.=.

While I was trying to find ideas on what to write for the blog this time, I couldn't help but go down memory lane and look at some of the previous blog posts I have posted and whoaaaaaa, I always thought my grammar was impeccable. Man I was wrong. There were so many grammar mistakes my eyes couldn't help but twinge at some of it like how could I have possibly done that kind of mistake? And I have the nerve to call myself a grammar nazi? Shame on you min shame on you. And I haven't even mentioned the redundant sentences, poor use of vocabs and obnoxiously conceited, cheesy ending lines oh god. I mean I knew my english wasn't great but I didn't think it was THAT bad. Hmmph. Apparently it was. I bet there're so many in this one too I just haven't realized it yet. I bet my 30-year old self would though. Assuming I still use this blog 10 years from now.

And there you go, before you know it I have already blogged about my seven months hiatus. Not knowing what to write can be idea generators sometimes.

I still have a lot to say and a lot more to complain(like a lot) and a lot more questions that I need the readers to answer and give their opinion on but that would  take time since I need to organize my thoughts before anything else. But we have time.

Till next time then?

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