Friday, March 30, 2018

Two sides of a story

Every story has two sides. Every. Even if dead men tell no tales. But most of the time only one side of the story is heard. Only one side of the story is able to reach people's ears. And the other side lay buried because what's the point of telling what people do not want to hear? 

Every story has two sides. But often, even when both sides of the story are told, the jury will always favor the story she liked better. The person she liked better. The person she hates less. Regardless of whether that side is wrong or right. And most people would tell you that's just how the world works. Life is unfair and it will never be fair so don't count your blessings on it. 

Stories are one thing. Battles are another. Regardless of who is in the wrong in the story, each player is still fighting its own battles, and when we take that into account it changes the side we find ourselves rooting for in the story, regardless of whether they are wrong or right. But wrong and right have always been subjective haven't they. They have always been vague and uncertain. A silver blur. Lining becomes a lost cause. Regardless we have to hear both sides. We have to see both battles. We have to decide who deserves to be saved and who is destined to lick the fires of devastation. We decide. But on what grounds? Was it just? Was it really for the better? Or was it for past mistakes self-justification?

There are two sides to a story. And every side thinks their truth is the real truth. What they did was justified and the best thing to do at that moment. And that results in the chaos we now call our lives. 

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