Sunday, March 15, 2015

When Caring Becomes Too Much.

And it ain't even the right kind of caring. 

It's the I-like-being-in-everybody's-business kind of caring. I mean I know I too sometime poke my nose here and there but I always know where to cross the line. Some people unfortunately, are not aware that there is such a thing. And it sucks when that person keeps reappearing in your life even when he or she has nothing to do with you anymore. 

It sucks even more when that person is affecting the people closest to you as well. 

See I get it if you hate us. I get that you despise us despite the fact that we have done nothing in particular towards you or any of your friends for you to develop this unnecessary hate on us. Because yeah you don't need a reason to hate on people, you can hate them all you want and badmouth us to anyone you want. People need entertainment to survive and for a lifeless person such as yourself this is the perfect entertainment. For a person who claims that you have so much going on in your life, that you don't even have time for such petty things, you seemed to be contributing quite an amount of time and effort into condemning us to every person who would lend their ears. 

I did say I get it. But I still don't know why you are actually doing it. Why you're so interested in condemning everyone else's life because for sure someone who's willing to go as far as you would only have one reason as to why. It's because you think you have the right to have a say in everything wrong in other people's life. What you don't realize is that your life is having it much worse. 

Always playing the victim when in actuality you were the one who started up the fight. When in the truest form you were the one who wanted the drama so you can play the victim all over again.

And to tell you the truth. I used to feel so sorry for you. 

Now it's just sympathy. 

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