Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Keep increasing that word count.

I'm not good at writing. In fact I suck. Big Time. And I hate it. 
I mean the least I could have is natural raw talent that only requires honing. But no I don't even have that. 

I spend all my life, aside from admiring, feeling envy of all the Malaysian authors who are good enough to publish their own work. I envy those who produce such good reading materials that publishing houses feel the need to share it with the world. 

And here I am still stuck with a blog with 2 or 3 readers per year. 

I've thought of quitting many times I lost count. What's the point of continuing if I won't get any better at it? Writing is not a skill you get just by working hard after all. It requires tact, wits, and a whole lot of inner artistry. Which is the one thing I lack most. 

But there is one thing that all  my favourite authors say that stopped me from quitting altogether. 

Most of the authors I have come to admire have always said this when each of them was asked this similar question. 

"How did you get so good at writing? How are you able to produce such work?"

And they always say 

"I didn't stop writing. Even when I had writer's block I never stop. Even when my words seemed rubbish. Even when sentences didn't make sense. Even when everything I wrote felt like it could come out of a middle schooler's book. I never. stop. writing. And that should go for all aspiring writers too. Never stop writing."

That led me to the decisions I made regarding writing. And that is to never stop. No matter if I will never be great at it, or even get any better. But if they, my favourite authors, are able to go so far because they live by those words, 

then why not me.


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