Friday, February 5, 2016

The Bubble Broke

If I must describe how the past six days have been in one word it would be. 

And Merlin knows how long since I've felt that way. 

So I joined this English camp at UM as a facilitator, together with Hakim, Najibah, Shira, Farid, Irfan, and later, Farah Aiman. The program was under Hakim's college, KK2, and YATIM, an organization for orphan kids. 

The camp was one of the most relaxed camps I've ever participated in. There was no rush to get ready in the morning, no rush in trying to get all the activities completed. No rush in trying to get all done on time. 

It was as if we had all the time in world however cliche that may sound. 

The camp was good as any camp should be. What struck me was the people I was working with. 

Yes I knew Jibs, Shira and Hakim well enough to not feel any different while working them. But it's been a while since I've spent that much time with jibs and shira and I haven't seen Hakim for more than a year which is enough time for things to have changed between us. I've only heard about Farid and Irfan through the mutual friends we have so I questioned myself whether we could click or not. 

Of course, as days went by, it only seemed to prove that I overthink everything and that I worry too much over every little detail. We worked well together and we had no problem trying to get any suggestions or ideas across. 

But I knew it was much more than that. I didn't know what it is at first but I knew I felt different. Or more accurately, I felt different around them. Like I was my old self again. The self that I've missed and searched for so long. And most importantly I felt peaceful. 

And it made me wonder about a lot of things. 

Specifically the people I've been surrounding myself with. 

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