Friday, February 20, 2015


In two days semester break will officially be over and for me it means goodbye P. Alam and lazy mornings and free breakfasts and random getaways; hello Penang, assignments, st. john, student obligations and expensive meals.

Honestly I don't think degree life is bad. But it is challenging and hard. Physically. Mentally. And the worse part is actually knowing it's not going to get any easier from here on out. 

My one and a half month semester break thankfully, has not gone to a complete waste. Though I really hated working, at least it kept me occupied and I was able to earn some money. I met up with my blood sisters atleast thrice? I think? I went to Melaka with my Meteoras for a short getaway. My childhood bestfriend got married and I was there to celebrate such a joyous event. I was able to patch things up with one my old friends, whom I had a bad ending with. Overall it's been a good sembreak and as much as I want to say I haven't been productive I can't. 

Because I have. 

New semester is starting. No I'm not anticipating it. at all. But I am excited to see what life drama and conflicts I'll be involved in this time. 

And honestly I really wanna see all my USM peeps again. it's been a while since my peace is bothered and I can't wait for those rascals to break it again. 

I can't wait to discuss serious kpop issues with Far and Auni again. 

I can't wait to tease Haz about everything in her life again. 

I can't wait to annoy the hell out of Shi Jin again lol

I can't wait to have coffee dates with Syud again. 

Honestly there's a lot I can't wait to do again. But still, it doesn't make me wanna enter the new semester any sooner. 

But these things do make up for it one way or another. 

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