Friday, February 13, 2015

Why Are You Still Here

I keep telling myself that it's not always about me. I keep reminding myself that it's not always about what I want. What I need. What I feel. I keep telling my heart the world doesn't revolve around you. But the amount of  "I" I have used in this blog proved that I care nothing except my own well being. 

And it's disgusting.

I thought about all the conversations I had with the ones I deemed closest to me and it made me loath myself even more. All I ever talked about is myself. All that was ever in my mind was how terrible of a life I had. And it amazes me that my friends are still around. That they still put up with all the nonsense and baggage I have bought along with my damaged self. It's as if they don't see the dirt that I am, tainting their beautiful innocent hearts with my repulsive one. 

Forgive me. For I ended up talking about myself yet again. 

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