Thursday, January 15, 2015

On the bright side

Ughh I hate working. The long hours. The fussy customers. The waking up early in the morning. I hate it the fact that I have to work EVERYTIME sem break rolls around just so I'd have money to go out with friends or to buy anything for myself. 

But as always, let's try and look at the bright side so that I won't feel as suckish and emo everytime I have to wake up at 6 just so I have enough time to do my prayers and get ready for work. 

You get money. 

I mean that should be enough perk to make you get a job during your sem break. Unless your parents give you an allowance of RM1500 per month and you can go out with your friends without any worries of your wallet becoming empty  after just one outing. 


As in "At least I'm doing something and moving and walking instead of just sitting at home doing nothing but increasing the roundness of my belly" See I'm trying REALLY HARD to feel better about working here. Cos seriously I would love to do nothing. 

The eye candies. 

See I'm not saying USM doesn't have any eye candy, *cough* Daffodil *cough*. But it is deprived of good looking men. Really deprived. 

And so seeing SO MANY GOOD LOOKING BOYS FOR six straight hours is just the kind of motivation I need to get through everyday. Maybe not enough, but atleast they make the long hours bearable. DO NOT FRET (though i'm not sure why you would) I'm not even trying to look for a potential soulmate, just a view that brings sparkles to the eyes and a smile to the lips. 

The free breakfast, 

Yes I get free breakfast. I don't think I need to elaborate further. 

AND the best part is that I only need to work from 7 a.m until 1 pm which to me is just awesome since my previous jobs usually require me to at least work until 6 p.m. and the pay is still somewhat the same. Though I have to admit, though it's only untill one, time seems to be going at A VERY SLOW PACE when I'm working. Like incredible slow. Snail slow. 

Truthfully though, the reason I even agreed to the job when my mom told me about it is because I'm trying to save up money to go to Korea next year. I've been waiting for nearly ten years to set foot on that land. Waaaaaay way before kpop got popular. I mean dude I was a fan of the korean music even before it got famous. 2006 was the exact year in fact, 

And I realize that I haven't exactly done anything or put any effort to achieve my dreams and if only I realize this sooner I wouldn't have wasted the money I got from my jobs on useless petty things. I could've start saving up sooner and I could've gone this year with all the money I accumulated. But ah well, I was a teenager, and I was just itching to spend. Not thinking at all about the long term sequences. 

But you knows, what's past is past. 

The future is yet to be determined and if back then all I did was dream about going, this time I should actually give all my effort to make it happen. 

I  actually have a list of places I'd like to go if I have the money. Korea would be number 1 of course, UK would be second. and the whole Europe continent. before exploring US. Only then I can conquer Asia's countries. 

I'll make it happen. 

I will. 

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