Friday, January 2, 2015

Proving You Wrong

It's day two of 2015. 

Page 2 out 365. 

And I'm still here. Aher. 😊

So when I told a few of my close friends that one of my new resolutions for this year is to blog every day without failure, they all gave me a reaction that I had expected all long. And really who can blame them, considering how "active" I was last year. 

"Right, like you'd actually do it"
"Min, *gives a stop-with-the-jokes look"
"Eleeh boleh ke"
"Hahahaha yeah right I wanna see you try"
"I give you two weeks top"

Are just some of the reactions I got when they heard about my blog-for-365-days. And that's why I really want to prove them all wrong. And more importantly I want to prove MYSELF wrong. I really want to be able to complete at least one resolution. And the more susceptibility is thrown at me, the more driven I become to complete this seemingly impossible task

On another note, as you can see my blog underwent a makeover, It's not much but I like it that way, 

p.s pardon my bad blogging skills. It's gotten a little bit rusty and it'll be a while before I get back my usual writing hoo-haa

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