Friday, January 9, 2015

One Month Of Nothingness Please.

So finals just ended. 

And ok technically it's already the tenth but you can't  blame me. I had a paper from nine to eleven and then I had to go settle some St. John business and by three my mom has already arrived on campus and I HAVEN'T PACKED A THING. So I didn't even have time to switch on my laptop and blog. And I planned to get to it once I reached home, it's pass midnight now so yeah. Unavoidable circumstances. But I did have a resolution of blogging for each day and I am not going to break it now. 

So again,

Finals just ended. And again I feel nothing. Nada. Zeros. Maybe because I haven't celebrated yet so I'm not really feeling the mood of sem break yet which is only a month by the way so nothing to get overly excited about anyway. 

I honestly thought that my mom would arrive at night and we'd go back on the tenth in the morning. So it came as a surprise to me when she told me that she was already in Penang that morning. And well, I was kinda bummed cos I was planning to go out right after the final paper. First party people ajak keluar makan seoul garden and Syud whatsapped me about going out as well. And it's been a while since I lepak with Syud anyways so macam ok cool bole lepak before going back. So I felt really sorry for her when I had to tell her that I can't go cos I'm going back as soon as I'm done packing. Haih.


I want to do nothing for this one month break. Mainly because I've been working my ass off during my first semester at USM and I haven't had a proper break since. But my mom has already given me contacts of people that I can call to ask for a job. Of course, I mean I thought it was ridiculous cos

I mean


Then I figured if  I sit at home for a month I'd just gain back all the weight I've shed. And the extra income definitely wouldn't hurt. I have plans to go to Korea next year so I really need the money. Plus I need a new phone. The artifact I'm using right now is just not working anymore. I mean thanks for the past four years but I'm ready to move on. Ahah. 

Ok enough rambling for a night. 

We'll see how the first day of my sem break goes tomorrow. 

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